أبــداع - CREATIVITY

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Feb 9, 2011

The best way to get good ideas is to have lots of ideas

Tips For Structured Brainstorming

"The best way to get good ideas is to have lots of ideas."
Brainstorming is a blending of group problem solving and discussion. It operates on the premise that the more ideas that are generated, the greater the possibility of finding a workable solution to a given problem. There are three phases to brainstorming: (1) generation of ideas, (2) analysis, and (3) action planning.
Brainstorming is useful for:
  • Generating many ideas is a short time
  • Encouraging creative, spontaneous thinking
  • Helping people temporarily suspend judgment
  • Expanding or piggy-backing on ideas


  1. Identify a problem for discussion. The problem should be in the form of a question - - What? Where? When? How much?
  2. If more than 10 participants, divide into smaller groups
  3. Ask each group to select a recorder
  4. Explain the purpose and rules of brainstorming:
    • Generate as many ideas of possible. Quantity is the goal. More ideas mean more likelihood of winners.
    • Defer judgment. Do not criticize or evaluate. That comes later.
    • Think creatively - be wild. Wild ideas are great because they beget wilder ideas. It is easier to tame a wild idea than to think up new ideas.
    • Combine and amend ideas. Expand, delete, consolidate, substitute, reverse, make analogies, make the problem bigger and smaller
  5. Brainstorn responses to the problem or question. The recorder lists all ideas on newsprint. Give a two-minute warning before calling time.
  6. Within each group, have members discuss unfamiliar terms or ideas. Get clarification on ideas that may be unclear.
  7. Groups should establish some criteria for selecting the "best" ideas, then evaluate each idea against those criteria.
  8. For the idea(s) chosen, outline the steps needed to implement them. List forces (e.g., situations, people, events) that work for or against implementation of this solution.

Brainstorm Possibilities

If we adopted this strategy, what specific projects will we do? Think that if the future of our organization depends upon our groups' strategies, what would we do? Think of all the possible projects that you can. Write down the ideas.


  1. Wonderful note on Brainstorming! Excellent points, looks promising and will try this out. thanks for sharing this with me..

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